Friday, April 23, 2010

Cars, Cars and more Cars

Lamborghini News Flash

On the 23rd of April 2010, Lamborghini Inc. announced the winners of the lucky draw they held.
They also used Bush as their announcer, so you can guess how important the event was.
And these are 3 guys with the winning ticket who just won a hot new car today...not.Actually, I was over at The Pavilion today, and there was actually a charity fund-raising going on.This was organized by Lamborghini, Canon,and a few other sponsors, all the proceeds will go to the Lions Club of KL City, what they will do with the money is not disclosed.
The 3 winning entries of the competition are all shown above.A close up of 1st place, cool no?You can get your picture taken by one of the professional photographers on the spot for just RM10, and they even print it for you in 4R. This would also be good for pranking your friends, saying you bought a new car.
but crashed it so badly that you had to trade it in, so you can't show them the car.

Friday, April 16, 2010

To Infinity...And Beyond?

To Infinity...And beyond!!Don't ask me how, ask the guy in the green & white suit up there.

It's past 2 in the morning, and I can't sleep.My friend got me thinking(Yes, they have warned me about that), and I got a 'sugar rush'.It was something like how 'fair' the world is.
Try walking through the corridor up there. Yes, its a reflection of two mirrors. The journey never ends. That is what the world would be like if it was 'fair'. A never ending cycle of self-repetition. We would be like robots, only knowing what we were told to do, slaves of tradition and norms.I don't know why, but every time I look at this picture, "I am my own grandfather" pops into my head. Abraham Lincoln was born in a poor family, which means it wasn't 'fair' for him. But in the end he became the President.Albert Einstein was born autistic. Yet he developed equations that were fundamental for modern physics.Sarawak is a super-rich state which has abundant natural resources, yet there are people still living in poverty. Ironic, no?

The fairness of the world comes through the fact that those at a disadvantage have the chance to learn whereas others do not.I mean, it's true. You've got nothing to lose by learning. If you learn you overcome your disadvantage, and when you get where those that had the advantage over you are, in a way you are even better than them. Since you overcame more obstacles than them, you can say you're better than them as well.
Fairness is distributed evenly by God,we just gotta do the right thing. Look, I'm not going to discuss this from a religious point of you since there are atheists out there as well, but everything comes with a different advantage or disadvantage. It's up to ourselves to see the things in different lights.The world is unfair. That is why it is fair. The world IS. Whether it is fair or unfair is up to us to decide. If the world was "fair", we would all be just carbon copies of each other, and where would the fun be in that?We are the world, without us, there is no world, the world is in the palm of our hands. We live on Earth, but we are the ones who make it our world. And we are the ones who will have to carry it into infinity, and maybe even beyond that.
Or maybe I'm just emo right now.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

ECA centre (Gym)

This isn't about the ECA Centre(yet). It's just that today was the first day I went to the gym. There were a lot of people working out, dancing, playing ping-pong and stuff.(Not from ECA Centre)
However, just now something rather peculiar happened. The result was a gaping hole in the ceiling...Yes, there was a permanent fixture there when I was there, but a person I met at the gym...kinda brought the sandbag down...literally. @@A little less green, maybe.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hot Cars

Hey, all(or maybe most) boys like hot cars, or maybe sports cars, to be specific.
Some people like to drive Lamborghinis. No you cannot drive the drink.
Others like Ferrari(?) This one was on display at the Pavilion, to celebrate the (are you sure?) F1

The mega rich guys can also go for the freakingly long cars as limos like the one above.Or maybe customize one like the Sultan of Brunei. Another step up the ladder....Buy(?) a Transformers car, can change into a robot and back, sure to be a hit!!Or maybe you can just buy the special new BMW MyVi.