Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sitcoms and whatnot

Oh well, I may as well get to the point on this series....
It has already been 9 episodes since the 9th season of Two and A Half Men came out, with Ashton Kutcher now being the half in the series, we would probably be expecting some interesting stuff from them, but....

Out of the 9 episodes, I only found 3-4 of them enjoyable, the last 2 were particularly bad, tying in Charlie, maybe just to promote the ratings. Hardcore TAAHM would probably have quit the series by now, and I would agree with them as well.

If Charlie Sheen can give the show a rating of 8/10. The new rating with Ashton Kutcher...
is a mere 5/10. This is particularly low, especially for a sitcom that I used to like. The new series is not really enjoyable, but still watchable.

There is one more series that I would love to mention:
Yes. The Big Bang Theory. I know that a lot of people already watch this series, but I only recently started watching it. To put it the Barney Stinson way: It is Legen-wait-for-it-dary.

Sheldon Cooper and Raj provide a ton of comic relief to this series. The obnoxious bastard and the guy who can't talk to girls unless he's drunk. The intellectual banter among the 3 PhDs and the masters degree holder is awesome on so many levels. Penny the girl who lives across hall is a waitress and acts as the dumb blond in the series, no offense meant, but that is insinuated in the series through the comparison of her to the other 4 intellectuals.
For The Big Bang Theory, mixed with the dissappointment of 2 and a half men, I would give it a rating of 8/10, same as the previous 2 and a half men series.

This post was thought up on the spur of the moment and thus not maintained for quality control. Cheers!

Friday, November 11, 2011

11/11/11 又是光棍节

久违了在线的朋友们, 已经一年没在这里废话了。真是的,我什么时候也变得这么懒惰了,太抱歉了。 我上一个post就是去年的光棍节了, 希望下一个不会是明年的,哈哈。这年来,发生了许多不可思议的事情了,没办法抽空在这跟你们哆嗦, 但我希望再次开始写blog了。记得我有个朋友告诉我:

,上上下下的人。如果幸运,会有人陪你走过一段,当这个人要下车的时候,即使不舍,也该心存感激,然后挥手道别,因为,说不定下一站会有另外一个人陪你走的更远...一切好聚好散... ”


