Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Viva Espana!!!

Venue: Asia Cafe
Time: 9 pm - 5 am

Finally, after never even making it into the finals EVER, Spain is finally the champion of the FIFA World Cup 2010.At Soccer City Stadium, 11 July 2010, Spain trounced Netherlands after 30minutes of extra time, having Iniesta shooting the goal after a fabulous assist by Torres. However, its still interesting to note they only got the goal after 116 minutes...
OMG my legs aren't long enough.
This is also the first time in my life that I spent watching the World Cup at a kopitiam with friends.
We were there to book seats by 9+, and having to watch endless Music Videos on Astro Hitz. Sitting 5 hours can be a real pain on the you-know-where.

By 10+ the kopitiam was almost full already, as you can tell.Lotsa people got vuvuzela's as well, I wonder how the people in the apartment slept that night?I got 1 for myself as well. Yesm I blew it the whole night through.By 11+ there were even people standing there waiting for seats, I wonder why they didn't try climbing up the tree though?This is the Spain team receiving the World Cup.This is the Spain fans watching them receive the World Cup. Yes, the thing he is holding IS his shirt.Now we all know where they got their cue from.Might be sugar overdose from drinking too much Coke, but I'm still shaking right now. Viva Espana!! :DD

Monday, July 12, 2010


2010度世界杯刚刚告一段落了,大力神杯也顺利颁出去了。我还记忆犹新,当西班牙队长——Iker Casillas接过奖杯的同时,我的内心是多么的亢奋!!我所支持的球队终于顺利登顶了。欧洲冠军,世界冠军的殊荣足以证明西班牙队的实力。这是足球带给世人的欢乐。终场哨声吹起的瞬间,我整个人站上椅子,转身跟后头的球迷们一同呐喊,一同欢呼,分享彼此心中的那份喜悦。好久没这么high了,那是发自内心的兴奋。

决赛真是我看了8年足球以来数一数二的经典球赛。我永远都不会忘记2010世界杯的这一刻。特别感谢Iniesta的进球,将西班牙送到世界的巅峰,让斗牛国得以傲视群雄。其他的一些球员也发挥得很棒,值得一提的是Fabregas, Torres, Pique, Sergio Ramos, Xavi, Puyol,他们都起到了关键性的作用。他们是此次夺得世界杯的功臣,更是英雄。另外,David Villa的表现真是无话可说,他凭借他的实力和多次的进球保证将西班牙国家队送入淘汰赛,然后继续的带领西班牙到达世界的巅峰。斗牛士们的精神真是难能可贵,球员们的毅力和团结绝对是关键。




Monday, July 5, 2010

On Holiday...

Sorry I have been neglecting this blog for waaaay too long. But it's been a hectic week where I've had to finish all my back to school preparations. Before that was a 2 week holiday, so I did not really touch my computer, and the 2 weeks before that was my exams, so the internet was practically off limits.

Just a short status update for now, expect a new post soon.