Saturday, August 21, 2010

Distinctively Malaysia III

Ah, it's that time of the year again, where Muslims will fast for a month, and we can all celebrate Ramadhan at the end of that tiresome month... But apparently some people aren't as good as we consider them to be.I know, I know, its a Chinese newspaper. Its titled: "If you're unhappy with fasting, you can go back to China." And it isn't the first time this preposterous statement has been uttered by our oh-so-friendly ''highly ranked'' civil servants.
Students version: The principal apprehended them for eating breakfast IN THE CANTEEN WHICH IS IN THE SCHOOL.(Oh Yeah, we're not allowed to eat food in the canteen, so where should we eat? Inside the class? Now that's a good idea.)

And then, during assembly, the principal was quoted as saying: If you Chinese are unhappy with fasting, you can just buy the air ticket and go back to China! You don't have to come to government schools!

One of the teachers present at the assembly also walked over to the students and said: AirAsia is having discounts recently,so you can take AirAsia back to China, the fare is cheaper. (Which we can conclude, you don't need a brain to use the Internet.)
Principals version:''If we cannot the races in Malaysia cannot respect each other, it would be better for us to return to our original place.'' (Oh yeah, and is there any real difference to what you're saying besides your tone?)

Apparently our principal on the block decided that it was ''rude'' and ''improper'' for none-Muslim students to EAT in school during this holy month, and has even disallowed students from eating within the school compound for the remainder of the month. She even said that we should respect each other's race, while saying ''Chinese students are not needed here and can return to China or Foon Yew schools. For the Indian students, the prayer string tied around their neck and wrist makes them look like dogs because only dogs are tied like that.'' Yes, thank you very much for not hurling racial abuses at the other races.
Many people are now asking for her head on a silver platter, but what does the government do now? They sit back, relax, and ask the citizens to chill. Then they just stick their heads in the ground and wait for this to blow over.
Director-general Tan Sri Alimuddin Mohd Dom's said that the case was just a misunderstanding and had already been resolved.Right... and if it was a misunderstanding why did the state Education Department ask the principal to issue an apology to non-Muslim students and teachers? (We've reached another milestone people, we're so good at covering up stuff we don't even need to know if it has already been resolved! Wow! A round of applause please!)
Part of the lengthy police report lodged by a 16-year-old student alleged: "She gave the example of owning a Proton Saga with two passengers who are Munusamy and Chong. Munusamy and Chong were only passengers. They cannot claim any right to the car. This is the same as Malaysia in which the non-Malay students are passengers." (Which means since we are passengers on the car, we don't have to pay tax, and the federal debt is none of our business, right?)

Only a few days ago that DPM Muhyiddin Yassin warned the MCA to "be sensitive to the needs of other races in the country"Yea, and in his dictionary other races probably include Malay, Malays, more Malays, and did I mention Malays? The indigenous tribes probably do not even register on his radar as locals, but that's a story for another time. If we have to be sensitive towards you, how about a bit of the other way round as well? Are we supposed to be kept under your thumb for all eternity?
In light of Independence Day, it should be noted that we ALL contributed to it. Not just one tribe, one race, but everyone together. To think he still had the guts to say that "In Barisan, we always take a similar stand on issues affecting all races." (In truth, they do have a similar stand, depending on which side the issue is on.)

They are even letting the principal with just a slap on the wrist, just a public apology. She is getting off scot-free when others would probably be facing the death penalty. How did we fall so far from the Golden Ages? How did the 1Malaysia concept turn so corrupted by civil servants whose only motive in life is to make the people suffer for their hideous crimes?

Our Prime Minister and his 1Malaysia concept that is practically in tatters,
or is it still salvageable? You be the judge

Friday, August 20, 2010


一连写了两个po,因为接下来的这则消息,实在不得不跟大家分享! (若看不清楚,请访问此处:!/photo.php?pid=2012480&id=1577024673&ref=notif&notif_t=photo_reply


有些话想告诉我们最敬爱的友族同胞,还有我们最尊敬的国家领导人:1 Malaysia?这个不知道何时冒出来,实在精彩万分的标语。原来这就是你们实现它的方法,让我大开眼界。斋戒月在全国各地都隆重的进行中,这是不是表示全国华人也要陪你们一起戒呢?


打机票回中国吗?实在是不错的提议,看来他在说出此话前,真是作足了功课,还知道亚航有优惠。看来他们也不算太无知,至少还知道如何用IE8 去浏览亚航官网。




王力宏 --- 十八般武艺



