Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tis The Season to be Jolly

From Grinch...

To Grouch...


well never mind. If anyone is interested, he gained weight to star in The 3 Stooges.

Anyway, this season seems to filled with blockbusters ranging from old Christmas fables to the second James Cameron movie called Oasis of the Seas, also known as Titanic II, where the ship goes down after been hit by a meteor. Just kidding.

Avatar. No not the Last Airbender. The one from the director of Titanic.

This is practically another one of the greatest movies to hit the silver screen. Recommended for all ages. Epic fight scenes. Hidden messages. You name it. He nailed it. And now on to the real movie.

I believe many have heard of prequel, sequels, and any-other-quels you can name. But this Christmas Eve bring the Squeakquel to the all popular Alvin and the Chipmunks to the big screen. Some people were wondering where the Chipettes were in the 1st movie, and surprise surprise, here they are. Now in case you haven't watched the whole movie, watch as Alvin and his pals fall in love...again.

Strangely, they picked Christmas Eve for their premiere, yet I don't detect anything Christmassy about it.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

10 things to do after SPM

Haha, it's been nearly a month since I last posted, and that was at the beginning of the exams, now that its finally over, I'm free to blog again. Below are some of the things we did, and I compiled a list of must-do-things after SPM:
1. Go MYCentre, then get sakit perut from eating too much Mr. Potato.

2. Do crazy stuff in the park at 12 in the morning......and also play cards through the night before going out for breakfast at 4am

3. Eat extravagantly with friends..
...even if you end up not being full.(Once in a lifetime only lar, or you want to re-test next year?)

4.Form a cult......and this was with other people watching

5.Sit on a hill and point in one direction.....Same park, different location

6. Celebrate Chirstmas......behind Parkson, no less.

7. Hang out by the roadside......and hope no cars pass by

8.Organize a mass suicide... jumping into the river together

and also 9. Visit a memorial park... night and take photos of you and your friends

But most importantly...
10. Keep in touch with your friends
They were there for you before the exams, they shared your stress during the exams, and they will still be there after the exams, remember to keep in touch with them even if they no longer play an important role in your life. Now, at the risk of sounding like an English poet:

Make new friends, keep the old,
One is silver, the other gold.

Happy Holidays~

Sunday, November 22, 2009



这次她推出这张专辑,找来了许多大牌来为她编曲填词。其中还有我个人非常欣赏的女创作人,Tanya为她谱《第六感》的曲。她这次初尝当女主角的滋味,主演偶像剧《紫玫瑰》,所以专辑中当然也收录了片头及片尾曲——爱一直存在,哭过就好了。 本人特别推荐《哭过就好了》,是梁文音最擅长诠释的民谣风格曲风,绝对是一首疗伤好歌。另外,她表示,这首歌的歌词就像是在描写她自己的心情,也希望藉由这首歌鼓励所有曾经失意过或正在面临情感考验的人,再痛丶再伤,哭过就好了。 我十分赞成,真的,哭过就好了。谁说男人不可以哭的?


Saturday, November 21, 2009



这是法國籍男子,ZEVS的杰作!先前他于香港中环Giorgio Armani店鋪外墙上,画上了CHANEL溶解LOGO。他是法国街头艺术家、也是名牌溶解王ZEVS。事后,他不僅被當地警方逮捕,还被Giorgio Armani求偿674.6萬港幣(2700多萬台幣)的天价。马币?大家算算看吧!



Wednesday, November 18, 2009

SPM Exam

I'm sure many Form-5'ers are familiar with this booklet. It's the timetable for our SPM(Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia). So in the name of Sex, Power and Money, I will need to knuckle down and get ready to face about 1 month of torture, like behind bars.

Some people refer to SPM as Sijil Pergi Mati, which is Go Die Certificate, we won't really die, but to some people its probably the same thing. Below are some examples of how some students cope with stress or how stress affects them.

Some people prefer listening to music...

Others sleep their way out of stress...
Some people have their whole lives turned topsy turvy, literally...
There are also those who become anti-social...
Or return to their childhood...
There is also the occasional case of those who don't that SPM is here."Har, when de?" (Just joking)

There are also those who aren't too bothered as well...
"Got test?"

Some people crack under the pressure and start doing crazy stuff in public...

All courtest to BBoy Potassium for letting me take pictures of him

Anyway, we all had "The Last Supper" last night at a place which will not be disclosed. All for one and one for all.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Nike 東京原宿旗舰店即将开张

Nike 在日本最新的旗舰店舖,即將在本周六於东京原宿开幕。

店面分为3层楼,每一楼都有不同的公用。底楼是Runner’s Studio,一楼则是全日本规模最大的NIKEiD Studio,二楼蛮吸引我的,它准备了各式各样关于足球的服务。

大马也要盖一间这样的啦!不然来一间比它更high tech的很像也不错!

Gaga Romance

The singer of hits like Pokerface and Just Dance is ready to release her new album, presenting Lady Gaga with her new single...

Bad Romance...

The pop princess is the essence of weirdness in music circles, and this video proves it just again. Were those people in white suits supposed to be vampires or jesters?

Her re-release? album The Fame Monster, will be released on 23/11/2009.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Muhibah 'Food Park'

Well, me and a few friends decided to go out for supper, and ended up here. The only translation I could think of was food park, and even that seems strange, or maybe what the people who set this up mean it to be a food court? Anyway, on to the food.
To start of with the drinks, all of us had this Fruit Ice, normally called 'shui guo bin' here. Its a mixture of fruits such as watermelon and honeydew with blended ice and some jelly on top, only for the price of Rm 2.50, we all had this, the bloody copycats.This plate of mee hoon was priced at RM3.00, the standard Sibu price for a plate of fried noodles etc. Mixed with a few slabs of meat and some vegetables, it also looks and tastes like mee hoon.
Now for the next item on the list, this plate of shan guo zhi, ' The Three Kingdoms' mixes three types of noodles together, I'm not sure how it tastes like, but it should be quite good since my friend ordered it twice.

Overall, the food here was to my liking, and the service here was quite fast. but one thing still puzzles me...What was in the plastic bag that was so interesting?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

2009.11.11 —— 光棍狂欢日

刚刚没事便上网到处溜溜!赫然发现今天竟然是光棍节!更夸张的是,我的生日——1月1日竟 是小光棍节!



另外,"PEPERO DAY"是韩国光棍节的称呼,直译为“巧克力棒节”。PEPERO,是韩国流行的一种巧克力棒。在11月11日送PEPERO给好友,单身男女借此向心仪对象表白,已经成为了韩国人大人小孩共同的一种时尚,也使近年来"PEPERO DAY"的人气不断高涨,情人节也要靠边站。与此同时,PEPERO的包装也越来越多样化,很多人把PEPERO包装成花的模样,加上“我喜欢你,愿意和我交往吗?”之类字样的卡片,以此代替鲜花。PEPERO的制造商乐天公司这些年也从中获利颇丰。(又是商家得利啦!)据称,每年11月初,韩国PEPERO销量便会剧增。本人曾经也吃过,不过却是原装版的,好想弄一盒较特别的来!

这个节日确实挺有意思的!单身的朋友们,把握今天好好的狂欢一番吧!明年的今天,希望大家都不会再有机会庆祝它了!我的部落客伙伴,Dark Horse,看到这个博文一定乐high了!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Disney's Princess and The Frog

Does anyone still remember Disney before they went into 3d stuff like Wall-E, or before Disney started becoming monotonous by producing teenage superstars?

Well, Disney has reverted back to some of its older ways of making movies, as in 2d cartoons. Old cartoons like Tarzan, The Lion King etc. are a part of many a childhood, and its good to see that Disney start producing something more classical again, instead of making another movie about teenagers.

Enters Ne-Yo...

One of the masterminds behind this movie's soundtracks, Ne-Yo has written music withe and for people ranging from Beyonce to Rihanna and now finally Disney. Now here's one of the tracks which can be found in the movie which premieres worldwide, if my sources can be trusted, on the 11th December 2009.