Friday, October 30, 2009

林宥嘉——感官 世界



2009年,他将推出全新的第二张唱片《感官世界》。音樂製作橫跨四地,頂尖音樂人,如:陳小霞,姚若龍,林夕,小宇,施人誠都参与了制作。这张专辑再次呈现了Yoga 迷幻王子的风格。首波主打歌《看见什么吃什么》,走复古的舞曲曲风,歌词热闹詼谐,还以饕餮盛宴来讽喻以貌取人的吃人思想。我自己所喜爱的其他作品包括了「说谎」,「耳朵」,「心酸」和「歇斯底里」。



Thursday, October 29, 2009

Transform Ya

I believe many people will be familiar with this photo. No this ain't another Transformers tribute or a Megan Fox spanking forum or Micheal Bay flaming post.

I believe many people are up-to-date on the Chris Brown-Rihanna fiasco earlier in this year

However, that isn't the main topic of this post, recently Chris Brown just released a new music video entitled 'I Can Transform Ya' featuring...

Swiss Beatz

the record producer of One Man Band Man as well as...

Lil Wayne, who's just had to do time for illegal gun possession.

Anyway, due to the popularity of Transformers, Chris Brown and the others stated above have created a video, containing stuff from cars to babes on bikes to hi-tech ninjas as well.

Here's the video from Chris Brown's new album Graffiti, which is his first after, well you know...

All videos and images belong to their original owners. I do not own the music video or images.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

英国申办2018/2022 FIFA世界杯


其中申办的国家包括 Australia,Belgium & Netherlands,England,Indonesia,Japan,Portugal & Spain,Russia 和 United States。我最支持的当然是非英格兰莫属了啦!贵为现代足球鼻祖的它在现代足球中扮演不可或缺的角色。英格兰本土的顶级联赛更贵为欧洲第一大联赛呢!本人一向以来都十分向往英国足球,它的节奏,观众的热情,场地的优势一直都是人人所津津乐道的。

我的偶像,David Beckham与其国家队队友,Wayne Rooney。

目前已有16个城市名列英格兰举办城市中:Birmingham, Bristol, Derby, Hull, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, London, Milton Keynes, Newcastle, Nottingham, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Sheffield 和 Sunderland,当然还有我的最爱——Manchester啦!



Monday, October 26, 2009

Sheraton Restaurant

Well, I'm just another one of those guys who gets dragged around attending dinners because of obligations to other people, which is why I found myself at the Sheraton Restaurant the other day. Its rather close to Telekom Sibu, if anyone's interested.

When you see this, your first impression of Sheraton would most probably be a kopitiam, or an outdoor 'restaurant', like so:

Well, since I've been living in Sibu for quite a while already, it not a surprise to see this big ass building instead of a coffeeshop:

I apologize for the poor picture quality, my phone doesn't have a very good megapixel. Anyway, onto the food. As some people know, there are mainly 7-8 courses when you go out for 'dinner', which is our equivalent for attending engagement parties and such. The first course always winds up as something like this:
Looks tasty, doesn't it? Its actually just an appetizer, consisting of stuff just as Shark's fin, fried sotong(squid), and such. Next on the typical list is the soup:
When you come to Sibu, the soup will normally be a seafood type of soup, but we had chicken soup that day, not exactly our of the norm, but a tad surprising. The third item on the list is fish curry, which is said to be the specialty if this particular restaurant.

The restaurant will supply you with rice to go with the curry, or I doubt anyone would have been able to finish it. The curry is rather spicy, so is not recommendable for people who don't know how to eat hot stuff. Overall, it is a rather delectable dish if you like spicy food. The 4th is a dish of vegetables.

A mixture of tofu, carrots, a few slabs of meat, mushrooms etc. Not exactly a culinary delight, but not bad either. The next dish is something I only came in contact with that day.

Soft shelled crab, with jellyfish on the side. I'm not exactly a great fan of crustaceans, as I'm normally too lazy to peel of the shells, so when this dish came out, I was rather surprised. You can just chew the whole thing, as the shell has been reduced to a crisp, which is edible as well. This is definitely worth a try if you visit Sheraton. The second last dish is prawns. They were a bit bigger than normal prawns, but not exactly fresh. Below shows one of the prawns on my plate.

Nuff said. The last dish normally consists of a dessert and most importantly fruits. However, I will be leaving you to imagine what kind of fruit had been placed on the plate that day.Honestly speaking, I just forgot to take a picture of the fruits before we polished it off. I guess Sibu people rarely have the problem of constipation.

All in all, I would recommend the fish and the crab for anyone keen on visiting this restaurant. The chicken soup is quite good as well. If you need directions, just follow the road signs to the library, you will see the building on your left.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


X-streets由三个对现在充满感慨,对未来充满希望的少年组成的。为什么是三个?因为三个臭皮匠,胜过一个臭皮匠嘛。我们肩负着许多的包袱,人生的路还有好长一段。在人生的十字路口,往往遇到许多的人事物,有经过,也有错过。。在这十字路口,是许多不同人生故事的交叉点,交叉之后又开始了新的故事。X-streets的X是cross, 也就是交叉,streets是街或道路之类的。X-streets本来是X-roads, 不过roads好像太小了,所以换成了streets。在这里,我们“记载”属于各自的人生故事,好让大家“鉴赏”。本人匿名Dragox, 请多指教,谢谢。。


Wednesday, October 14, 2009


这是一个全新的部落格。看到好多有人纷纷都注册本站,我亦不想被抛在后头,便连同两个“臭味相投”的好友成立了此部落格。本人笔名——tHe REAlitY。至于为什么要用这个呢,我也不是很清楚,将来自有分晓。我将负责华文的部分。英文嘛,呃………



-tHe REAlitY


Hey all, this is X-streets, which will be managed by 3 people, yours truly being the Dark Horse(DH). Some people will wonder why I picked this name, but that will be obvious as time passes.This is going to be a bilingual website, with me managing English and TR & Drag writing in Chinese.We will be covering everything from food to music to traveling, whenever we get around to it, at least. All in all, I would like to welcome you to X-Streets as a co-moderator of this website. Enjoy~
