Wednesday, November 18, 2009

SPM Exam

I'm sure many Form-5'ers are familiar with this booklet. It's the timetable for our SPM(Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia). So in the name of Sex, Power and Money, I will need to knuckle down and get ready to face about 1 month of torture, like behind bars.

Some people refer to SPM as Sijil Pergi Mati, which is Go Die Certificate, we won't really die, but to some people its probably the same thing. Below are some examples of how some students cope with stress or how stress affects them.

Some people prefer listening to music...

Others sleep their way out of stress...
Some people have their whole lives turned topsy turvy, literally...
There are also those who become anti-social...
Or return to their childhood...
There is also the occasional case of those who don't that SPM is here."Har, when de?" (Just joking)

There are also those who aren't too bothered as well...
"Got test?"

Some people crack under the pressure and start doing crazy stuff in public...

All courtest to BBoy Potassium for letting me take pictures of him

Anyway, we all had "The Last Supper" last night at a place which will not be disclosed. All for one and one for all.


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