Friday, February 5, 2010

Distinctively Malaysia I

We are 1Malaysia.

Where all of us don't deserve to be Malaysian except the Malays . Yes, I'm talking about the ex-aide to our Prime Minister up there. Only a few days ago, he spoke up at a 1Malaysia conference in Melaka.

Literally translated:'The Chinese came to be prostitutes and the Indians came to be beggars when their forefathers came! You should be happy we let you stay here!
All you squatters are just immigrants only! I can revoke your citizenship if you want equal rights! I have the power to do so! All of you are useless except for the Malays when we tried to achieve independence!'

That was the gist of it, but not his exact words, however...
Is this the real truth behind his actions? Meaning that he is not racist and that everything he said is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? If so, I suggest that everyone take the nearest Malaysian history book that they can find, and burn it, because his above statement is contradicting everything about our independence inside it.

To quote the Prime Minister's office: Nasir never intended to make any derogatory remarks. He spoke at length on the contributions made by all races in developing the country.

Really? How did we contribute to the oh-so-great independence of our country? Are you sure the remarks weren't intentional? They also said that Nasir was only saying what he thought and it did not reflect the Prime Minister's opinion. Then why the hell did he resign?

I don't really think that he received a phone call from the office saying:
Isn't this a bit too coincidental? Just after the recent church bombing incidents, this crops up. Did Nasir and UMNO plan this all along? Hell, maybe I should just move to Singapore, at least they have a sense of humor:*Sign reads: Welcome to Singapore, church burning is prohibited.

Or we could just change the 1Malaysia slogan to what the real situation is like:It's not that I'm biased against Malays or bumi, but UMNO is just a tad too extreme for my liking. They look down on other races and religions just because they are not Malays. I apologize if there is any error in the above, and if you deem this to be racist. However, note that I am just blasting Nasir and UMNO, not Malays in general.


Dark Horse said...

The Prime Minister or something like that comments say we do not have to use ISA to catch this guy, but instead we should spend more time to try and catch people like Nasir who are against 1Malaysia. You see? The government doesn't really care if these people are caught by ISA. They just want to make sure their reputation not tio kacau by them only.

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