This year is also the year of the tiger, the 3rd member of the Chinese Zodiac. No not the one with 14 girlfriends, the one on the right, who isn't smiling like a hyena.
Since the New Year is also the start of spring, and also coincides with Valentine's Day, you could try something to improve relationships with your bitter/better half. Go out for a date, leave the kids with a babysitter. You know that being a mom or dad on a 24/7 basis is tiring, so why not try to spend some time alone together, without the world crowding in on you?
He may not be Prince Charming or her your Dream Girl, but he may be Mr. Just-Right-For-You and she your real-life partner, so go out and find that special someone if you haven't found them. Anyway...
Wishing you a blessed and prosperous New Year from X-streets.

Hey, Gud job! especially the CNY photo..nice one!
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