Sunday, May 23, 2010

Distinctively Malaysia II

Old news to everyone here, but its been exactly one week since this happened.

Special quotes from his amazing speech, I mean he's the Prime Minister, and he's come all the way to Sibu just to speak with us? Oh my Gosh!!We're so honoured!!

"I want to make a deal with you. Boleh tidak? Can we have a deal? Can we have an understanding or not? The understanding is quite simple. You help me I help you.''Wait. What is he trying to say? If we help you choose someone you will give us money?

''Ini bukan tipu. I said to the people in Ulu Selangor.BN wins on Sunday,on Monday I ask the cheque to be prepared.They said yes.''
So you're admitting you bribed them?

''When we won on Sunday, Monday i call prepare the cheque, Wednesday I hand over the cheque.''
So you're very efficient in bribing people already?

"If you deliver me Robert Lau on Sunday, on Monday I ask the cheque to be prepared.''Isn't this a bit too obvious?

''Tadi kata 3 million, now 5 million. 5 ah? Boleh ah?''
I guess Sibu people are good at bargaining also.

''Robert Lau menang, I ask the 5 million to be prepared on Monday.''
Our beloved Prime Minister finally speaks what he came here for.

''I don't have to come here. But I come to Rejang park. Why? This is not a place for a Prime minister to come?''
If there wasn't a by-election would you even come?
''I am the people's Prime Minister. That's why I'm here.''
If you're the people's Prime Minister then why are you still campaigning here?

''Don't talk about promises.''
And how did BN win in the 1st place?

''But we are the government, and we can deliver for the people of Malaysia...including-the-people-of-Sibu.''
Nearly left that out, eh?
''You mahu 5 juta? I mahu Robert Lau menang.''
The main point of his whole speech.

''Very expensive you know? But nevermind, its good for the people of Rejang Park, and the people of Sibu.''
Quit trying to influence them dude.DAP won in Sibu with a majority of 398. There were more than 2000+ phantom votes for BN, and they dragged the results on from 8:30pm until nearly 11:00pm at night.Will the government please be more efficient in doing stuff besides bribing people to get votes?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Brothers & Dreams

We dreamt, we fought, we played, we cried, we laughed.

We shared our dreams, fought each others battles, played with each other, shed a tear when each of us were in trouble, and laughed at each other's stupid jokes.
Now each of us have to go our own way. Many a time good time we've shared, many a good story we've turned into legends in our old school. Now and then we look back on the past, and wondered if the path we took was the right way, if we could have had made a better choice, if this was the harder way. But what we must never forget is that the roads we've travelled made us who we are today, had we used a different path, we might be a complete stranger to who we are today.

Everyone might notice that our name is X-streets. Its not a coincidence that there are 3 of us. It is not a coincidence that there are 3 other ways to go once you reach the crossroads.At crossroads, each of us will have to walk a different path, but when we look back, all of us can still see where we separated, where each of us has to leave the others to go where we had to go.

The end of a road isn't really the end. Its just the beginning of a new road.Do you know how to put a jigsaw puzzle together? You actually put hundreds of different pieces that don't have the same pattern or picture on them.

All 3 of us are alike, yet we are not the same. We're different pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. We may not be the same piece, but we fit together to form a bigger picture.
We all have to make choices in life. I'm sure a lot of you got scholarships to Japan, Korea, Germany, France, and all other sorts of different scholarships to exotic countries. But a lot of people only take up scholarships for the reason that they are scholarships.

Its like saying:Oh, this shirt has a discount, so I must buy it. The shirt colour doesn't suit you, and its extremely tacky, but you buy it just because its on sale. You don't like to study Physics, and when you get a scholarship to study Physics suddenly you have all sorts of reasons to back your decision to study it.

A person might suddenly say: Oh, I will have a job after I finish university. Oh, they're paying me to study, so it must be good. How childish can you get? Look deep inside your heart, will you be able to look yourself in the face one day in 20-30 years, at the peak of your life, and say: I made the right decision. I am happy with where I am now. I am happy I did not have a dream. Can you do that?My brothers, this goes out to all of you. Even if the way seems dull,gray and never ending.Take heart in your dreams and never let them go. Poor people can become rich just because they dream so, but a dreamer without a heart is like a car without wheels.

We all will separate to go our own way someday. Our dreams will lead us where we want to go. It don't matter how you go, the only thing that matters is where you want to go.One day, we will stand at the peak of our life and look back at the long climb up, and think: Hey, that was easy. It doesn't matter how long it takes, but sooner or later we will get there. Then, we will show what it really means to have a dream.

My brothers, even though we no longer share the same classroom or the same school, we will forever stand by each other,through hail, rain, snow, and maybe a tornado or two. The dreams we shared together will one day come true. Remember how we said that we will all go to China someday? To set foot once more on our motherland? Someday, we really will go, and walk all the way from East to West, North to South.

The times we shared, the nights and days we spent together, sometimes its hard not to laugh when you think about it, since all 3 of us have at least 1 name in common with one of the other. There are 3 sons of Kronos, 3 Musketeers, 3 chou pi jiang, 3 brothers in the Romance of the 3 Kingdoms. So I guess the 3 of us have a rendezvous with destiny as well.

The 3 of us were probably brought together by some otherworldly force. How else could the 3 of us, from completely different backgrounds, end up in the same school and eventually in the same class as well? To say that we're polar opposites would be a misnomer. We are practically completely different from each other, but then together, we can really rock the house.

I guess I've said more than enough. Dragox, Reality, the 2 of you are more than I could have ever hoped for. Thanks to Fate and Destiny for bringing the 3 of us together.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010











一直没有贡献的我,今天就要献上我的处女作了,兄弟们别太感动,难得的感触。今天,箭在弦上,不得不发了!!其实早就想写了,不过人就是懒了点,大伙知道的。。而且我的大哥规定不得po关于感情的东西。今天破例,写些兄弟们之间的感情。好几年了,我们就这样走过来,有风有雨,到了现在我还在怀疑我们怎么当成朋友的,是''臭气''相投吧。生命冥冥之中早有安排,省省吧,我们的感情不需要这么肉麻地去解说。大概就是物以类聚,人以群分,废物当然跟废物聚在一起,不过我自认是比较好点的废物,至少还可以被归类成能回收的那种。将来如果我们三个组成一个团体,应该叫。。三贱客? 最适合不过了。还好你们都不在,写这些就可以不用顾忌太多了,要搭飞机回来?你们回来通知我一声,我可能先出国度个假。要纪念品也没问题,打个电话给我。够了,废话废到这里。正题,把我多年来的心声都‘释放’出来吧,我们的关系用朋友来形容,简直太肤浅了,兄弟才是最适当的名词。虽然我常常为了兄弟两肋插刀(讲得好心虚),可是为了女友插兄弟两刀,希望你们别太介意,我就是个这么重色轻友的人,相信你们也习惯了。再来,在这些年。。什么充满了荆棘,还有什么坎坷的什么路,无所谓,不需要形容得太好,总之是我的两个好兄弟陪我走过。你们背我走过了很多不平坦的路,真的很感激。。借此机会好好地感谢,真的!千言万语。。。写不下了,留给下次吧,用完了招数,会像一个不会飞的超人,江郎才尽啊。

K's life + perry + perry = 废+疯+癫+痴+乐趣+。。。。。。
K's life +perries= 废+疯+癫+痴+乐趣+。。。。。。

If without perries.
K's life = 。。。。。。only.











Sunday, May 9, 2010

Jogoya Starhill

I never thought there would be any place as fascinating as Jogoya, it's practically like a heaven on earth. I'll get to why later on. Its on the 2nd highest floor of Starhill, which is opposite The Pavilion. This is a map I got from their website.This is what you will outside the restaurant.They even got counter somemore leh.This is the entrance to the restaurant.And as soon as you enter the restaurant you will see this.Wow.A wine rack after a flower display. High-class? I'm not sure where to start when describing the food, but they're food is steaming.Literally.As soon as you sit down, you will see the sushi stand.From fish to prawn to what-have-you, everything you can ever dream of on sushi is there. I didn't dare take too many pictures in case they thought I was stealing how they made sushi.
Another first time experience I had while there was to eat sting-ray.I know it kinda looks like fish, but its a damn lot nicer!!

Another part of the crustacean family you can find in there is this poor ''little'' guy:But you gotta be a VIP 1st though.You can also opt for clams, oysters and so on if you like seafood. Another special feature at Jogoya is their...SMOKING ROOM!! No it's not a place where they filter their smoke, it's where the customers can get away to smoke before going back to eat, complete pictures....a tv...and probably the most DIAO ashtray in all of KL. My friend accompanied me and I'm also not sure how he ended up in the picture as well.I mean, just look at the size of this thing. And its an ashtray? It's gotta be the biggest in the whole of KL as well. Try having one of these at home! Table 99. The biggest table in Jogoya. Good for dining and family reunions. Another interesting feature is their toilet.I mean, who hangs bee nests in their toilets?And not only inside, but outside as well?Ok, the flowers are still understandable, just to make the toilet smell fresher?This is how the Gent's look like, just imagine it without the guy standing there.They've even got a chocolate fountain in there. I forgot to take pictures of the marshmallows. But just look at the damn thing. It looks like plastic but its actually liquid chocolate! Imagine dipping a marshmallow into the chocolate and then biting into it...YUM!And if you feel heaty from eating too much ''hot'' food, you can try one of their coconuts in a bowl.Think of yourself being able to eat the food on the plate above, and its all damn delicious!!

Don't they mean use? (Found at the cocktail cooler)And now, enough bullshit,its time for the highlight of Jogoya:Their desserts.The cookies and biscuits. There are many choices available, among them well as chocolate chip.These 2 eerily resemble Famous Amos cookies as well, and don't taste half bad.Anyone else getting hungry by just looking at their cake and jelly display?I tried the mint.And the multicolored jelly to top it off. Both were good and as expected from a place like Jogoya.
Oh, by the way, did I mention that they have Haagen-Dazs and New Zealand Natural as part of their dessert buffet?You can also get waffles at the same counter. Besides that, you can also make your OWN chendol. They've got the ice machine, red beans, the green stringy stuff etc. You can add any amount of syrup or milk as you want as well.However, everything comes with a price, and in this case is around RM90 per head.And before you even think of smuggling food out of the restaurant, here's a little memo...

Bon appetit!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Ip Man 2

I believe almost everyone is familiar with this guy, but not many people know who his master is.Last Friday, Ip Man 2 finally came out, starring Donnie Chen as the sifu, or also known as the grandmaster or instructor. The film is a bit like a biography of what he did after he escaped the Japs during the 1950s.Well, a few friends and I decided to catch the movie at 11:55 PM on a Sunday night, which at the same time proves how crazy some people can be.Surprisingly, there were also a lot of people there to catch the movie as well, though I doubt most of them would have understood anything the actors said if not for subtitles.This was my friend's reaction when he saw the no outside food sign.After bringing the smuggled goods down the neverending path... I walked until my legs nearly gave way....We sat down in a rather spacious theater. There were more people than above, but after that it was too dark to take photos.Overall, personally, I give this movie...on a rating out of 10. All moviegoers should take the time to watch this. I also recommend some basic knowledge of China's history in order to understand the plot better and be more in touch with the plot of the story. Either way, you don't NEED it to watch the movie.