Sunday, May 16, 2010

Brothers & Dreams

We dreamt, we fought, we played, we cried, we laughed.

We shared our dreams, fought each others battles, played with each other, shed a tear when each of us were in trouble, and laughed at each other's stupid jokes.
Now each of us have to go our own way. Many a time good time we've shared, many a good story we've turned into legends in our old school. Now and then we look back on the past, and wondered if the path we took was the right way, if we could have had made a better choice, if this was the harder way. But what we must never forget is that the roads we've travelled made us who we are today, had we used a different path, we might be a complete stranger to who we are today.

Everyone might notice that our name is X-streets. Its not a coincidence that there are 3 of us. It is not a coincidence that there are 3 other ways to go once you reach the crossroads.At crossroads, each of us will have to walk a different path, but when we look back, all of us can still see where we separated, where each of us has to leave the others to go where we had to go.

The end of a road isn't really the end. Its just the beginning of a new road.Do you know how to put a jigsaw puzzle together? You actually put hundreds of different pieces that don't have the same pattern or picture on them.

All 3 of us are alike, yet we are not the same. We're different pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. We may not be the same piece, but we fit together to form a bigger picture.
We all have to make choices in life. I'm sure a lot of you got scholarships to Japan, Korea, Germany, France, and all other sorts of different scholarships to exotic countries. But a lot of people only take up scholarships for the reason that they are scholarships.

Its like saying:Oh, this shirt has a discount, so I must buy it. The shirt colour doesn't suit you, and its extremely tacky, but you buy it just because its on sale. You don't like to study Physics, and when you get a scholarship to study Physics suddenly you have all sorts of reasons to back your decision to study it.

A person might suddenly say: Oh, I will have a job after I finish university. Oh, they're paying me to study, so it must be good. How childish can you get? Look deep inside your heart, will you be able to look yourself in the face one day in 20-30 years, at the peak of your life, and say: I made the right decision. I am happy with where I am now. I am happy I did not have a dream. Can you do that?My brothers, this goes out to all of you. Even if the way seems dull,gray and never ending.Take heart in your dreams and never let them go. Poor people can become rich just because they dream so, but a dreamer without a heart is like a car without wheels.

We all will separate to go our own way someday. Our dreams will lead us where we want to go. It don't matter how you go, the only thing that matters is where you want to go.One day, we will stand at the peak of our life and look back at the long climb up, and think: Hey, that was easy. It doesn't matter how long it takes, but sooner or later we will get there. Then, we will show what it really means to have a dream.

My brothers, even though we no longer share the same classroom or the same school, we will forever stand by each other,through hail, rain, snow, and maybe a tornado or two. The dreams we shared together will one day come true. Remember how we said that we will all go to China someday? To set foot once more on our motherland? Someday, we really will go, and walk all the way from East to West, North to South.

The times we shared, the nights and days we spent together, sometimes its hard not to laugh when you think about it, since all 3 of us have at least 1 name in common with one of the other. There are 3 sons of Kronos, 3 Musketeers, 3 chou pi jiang, 3 brothers in the Romance of the 3 Kingdoms. So I guess the 3 of us have a rendezvous with destiny as well.

The 3 of us were probably brought together by some otherworldly force. How else could the 3 of us, from completely different backgrounds, end up in the same school and eventually in the same class as well? To say that we're polar opposites would be a misnomer. We are practically completely different from each other, but then together, we can really rock the house.

I guess I've said more than enough. Dragox, Reality, the 2 of you are more than I could have ever hoped for. Thanks to Fate and Destiny for bringing the 3 of us together.


tHe REAlitY said...

Awesome! Outstanding!

Dark Horse said...

So seldom see you use English...

:D :D jogoya! said...

Perry Lau crying ady so touched by it :D

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